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Jenny Russell - Alto

When did you join BCGC? September 2013
What's your favourite BCGC song? In the excitement and vibrancy of a BCGC gig or rehearsal, My Life, My Love, My All and Thou, Oh Lord bring a stillness to me that is hard to explain. They are such powerful songs of worship.
What's your favourite BCGC moment (so far!)? I would say that one of the best moments of BCGC has been getting back in touch with my lovely friend Bronwen Kearney....she's a gem.
What's been your favourite BCGC gig? I honestly can't separate gigs!... They just keep getting better.
What song would you love BCGC to include in their set? Seasons of Love from the musical Rent
Why should I come and see BCGC in action? We love what we do, so you can't help but be swept along with the joy.... you'll leave with a smile on your face 🙂