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Lynas Lacey - Operations Manager

When did you join BCGC? JOIN? Didn't have the luxury of a choice haha! I'm the husband who paced the floor as my wife laboured and finally gave birth to her dream .... BCGC
What's your favourite BCGC moment (so far!)? The same moment that happens at every concert when the choir make their entrance and I get to watch the expressions of surprise, joy, disbelief, shock etc on the faces of the audience. Love it 🙂
What's been your favourite BCGC gig? London Tuesday when over 20 members of BCGC (myself included) got to perform in the London Media Centre during the Olympics. Fantastic experience and fantastic buzz in London.
What song would you love BCGC to include in their set? Whilst I do love 'Bat out of Hell' by Meatloaf, I've always wanted the choir to do a version of "O Danny Boy"!
Why should I come and see BCGC in action? Trust simply won't believe what you see and hear and experience. PURE JOY!